Aug 18, 2010

Katherine talks about her Co-star Josh Duhamel

Josh Duhamel will finally be staring as the leading man in the film, Life As We Know It, and will also be tackling the role of a dad.
The new issue of Elle magazine features Josh as the leading man Hollywood has been waiting for and his Life As We Know It co-star, Katherine Heigl, agree!

“Before he even opens his mouth, you see this guy, and he’s so good-looking that it puts you back on your heels a little bit,” Katherine says of her co-star. “It’s hard to overlook completely.”
Katherine even pushed for Josh to be cast in his first leading-man movie role, Life As We Know It.
“He’s like the perfect leading man, and there absolutely are really beautiful leading men out there who have found their way to the Oscars,” she says. “Like George Clooney. “It does happen.”

In the film, Josh and Katherine play two single people whose best friends are married to each other. Their friends set them up on a date that Katherine says, “Crashes and burns before they even get out of the driveway.” But when the friends are killed in a car accident, Josh and Katherine learned their one-year-daughter was willed to them to raise.
