Aug 17, 2011

Staying Connected

Josh Kelley is quickly becoming one of country music’s most sought after newcomers as second single, ‘Gone Like That,’ continues to climb the charts. With his schedule in such high demand, it sometimes makes it difficult to keep in touch with his movie star wife, Katherine Heigl, and their young daughter, Naleigh. But thanks to things like YouTube, Daddy is never too far away!

“She’s not even three yet, but she loves music and Daddy’s songs,” Kelley tells Taste of Country. “Katie plays videos on YouTube for her while I’m gone. She really loves her daddy, and I love her. I miss her all the time.”

Since he and Heigl wed in 2007 and adopted little Naleigh, Kelley says he has seen a drastic change in his songwriting, especially when it comes to the songs’ topics. “I write about what I know,” he says. “I guess the music becomes my journal. I remember that moment I got to hold Naleigh, and when me and Katie got married … I write about what I know, and I feel that. My mom told me years ago to write relatable songs, and I’ll go far. In order for me to do that, I write about what I know, and what I know is my family. I know traveling, I know my daughter, I know about loving my wife, and I know about all the crazy things that go along with traveling a lot.”

One thing Kelley doesn’t know much about, which is fine by him, is life as an actor. “I have been asked before to do that, but I feel like we’ve got the actor in the family, and we’ve got the musician,” he explains. “I think we will keep it just like that. I don’t know if I would even have time for that rigorous schedule of acting. This is the busiest time of my life right now, and I know what I’m trying to do — that’s trying to build this foundation. I want to build the foundation that I will eventually frame the house out on. I really want to really get some momentum so I can play these big shows that I’ve always wanted to headline my whole life. I can already feel that starting to happen. I feel that we’ve been knocking out some really good shows lately. I am very excited about the future.”
